"Why are those pots upside-down on sticks?" - that's the question I'm asked more than any other. The second most aske...
Hello friends. I'm almost back to normal and with the exception of a bung knee, I'm feeling pretty good. I had the exceptional gift...
Homemaking attracts people from all walks of life, with differing wants, needs, philosophies and ambitions. I have a degree, a moderate...
It's been a pretty busy week and on the weekend all beds were full here at the Hetzel house. Cups of tea were made, grandchildren were ...
If you think about all the negatives we hear about ageing, or even if you just watch modern life from the sidelines, you'll probably ge...
I'm not one who takes frequent holidays. In the last ten years, I've had two holidays and both of them were working holidays (book ...
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